Sunrise at Schwabacher Landing

Early May in the Tetons

May is one of the least busy months at Grand Teton National Park but I think it’s still one of the better times to visit, especially for photography. The snow is usually still thawing out and most of the trails will be snow covered but road access will be opening…
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A Summer In Washington

As short as summers are in the pacific north west, I was lucky enough to be able to get out of town quite a lot and explore all that the PNW has to offer. My first 6 months on the west coast has just ended…
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From Coast To Coast

I’m in Seattle! Since my last post I’ve packed my bags and flew across all the great states to Seattle. For the time being I’ll have to say good bye to New Jersey and call Washington my new home. It’s been a hectic past month,…
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Fall Update

It’s been a while since my last update so I just wanted to share a little update. It’s been quite hectic and busy lately, with the launch of Stone Age, work on my new project (to be shared later), and of course the peak of…
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